79 Calls in 5 hours
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Yup that is right Roanoke Fire-EMS ran 79 calls in 5 hours last night June 27, 2005 between the hours of 1900 and 2400. That equates to about a call every 4 minutes. To put that figure into perspective we ran 63 calls in a 24 hour period on June 26, 2005 which is approximately one call every 23 minutes. I do not know if that is an average day or not, however it does show the work load that we are served when a big storm comes through the city.
I cannot believe the constant flooding that occurs in the City limits. Look at the Ramada Inn on Franklin Rd. They should be required to disclose to their patrons that if indeed it rains their vehicles will probably sustain flood damage. I do not know if flood damage is normally covered on motor vehicle insurance. Time and time again we see severe flooding in that area. Of course it probably isn’t Ramada Inn’s fault for the flooding, but possibly due to more and more construction, paving, and land grading that has occurred over the past several years. So who’s fault or problem is it to be fixed and yes it needs to be fixed before someone is killed? So I wonder who will point the finger where when it happens?
So hopefully we won’t get hit as hard today or maybe because the ground is saturated we won’t need as much to have the same effect or worse. Maybe it will blow over and we won’t see the same flooding conditions that are becoming a regularity for us to work in.