3rd Team Deploys for Hurricane Relief Effort

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Roanoke Fire-EMS has been called upon by EMAC once again to deploy a Hurricane Recovery Team to Cameron Parish, LA. This group of Fire-EMS personnel will serve as an Incident Management Team running the EOC in Cameron – a community still recovering from Hurricane Katrina.

The Hurricane Assistance Team consists of: Battalion Chief Audie Ferris, Battalion Chief Roger Manuel, Captain Alan Austin, Captain David Bishop, Captain Anthony Wallace, Captain David Pope and 1st Lt. Chuck Swecker.

The team will leave on Saturday, December 3 for a 17 day deployment. Their planned return date is December 19.

You can see from the map where Cameron is. The first team was deployed to Johnsons Bayou (also on the map). This gives you reference. The first team that went down had stopped in at the Cameraon EOC to check in, but primarily worked in Johnsons Bayou.

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