Pictures from Cameron, Louisiana
Here are some images of the team deployed to Cameron, Louisiana. The guys are a part of a large contingent of Firefighters from all across the U.S. The team is operating the EOC in Cameron. The images are courtesy of Chief Tartaglia.

Here 1st Lt. Chuck Swecker and Captain Allen Austin enjoy some lunch.

Some ambulances awaiting calls in Cameron.

This picture and the ones below show the destruction that still exists in the wake of Hurricane Rita.

Here is a picture of Captain Wallace. The Captain is down in Cameron with Captain Bishop, Captain Pope, Captain Austin, 1st Lt. Swecker, Battalion Chief Manuel, and Battalion Chief Ferris. This team is the third team to be deployed from Roanoke Fire-EMS to assist with Hurricane Relief. The first team deployed to Johnsons Bayou, Louisiana and the second team deployed to Florida. The team currently deployed will be returning December 19th, just in time to spend Christmas with their Families.