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I had posted this link in the past, but then the IAFF took the website down. Apparently, they unveiled the site at a Conference late last year and then took the site down to continue work on it. Just by chance, I found the site on my own when it was up on the internet. Now the IAFF has officially unvieled the site on the IAFF mainpage. The IAFF history site has pictures from none other than our local. Yes, you are welcome. I answered the call from the IAFF to send them some pictures. You should check them out. I am unsure if they will be adding to the site or if it is complete. If they are still looking for pictures, we have plenty to add. If you will notice, we might possibly have the most pictures out of any other local. Stop in and look around, read the history, and check out the photos. There is a picture of Station #9 circa 1932 here. (Read More)