Only One Firefighter Initially Responds to Florida Fire – News
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Only One Firefighter Initially Responds to Florida Fire – News:
There was a near fire in Volusia County when only one firefighter initially showed up to fight a fire that gutted a home.That firefighter battled a house fire in Oak Hill all by herself for 10 minutes until backup arrived, but state procedure calls for no less than four firefighters to be at a fire at the same time.
The county follows the state fire marshal’s standard of two firefighters inside a burning structure and two outside in case something goes wrong, WESH 2 News reported.
The lone firefighter who responded said she did not go into the structure, despite reports to the contrary.
Rescuers could not save the house or the pets inside it. One firefighter responding to a fully involved house fire was woefully inadequate, according to Oak Hill police Officer Diane Young, who was also at the scene.
“For one fire truck and one firefighter, it was very difficult for her to handle. I would say, yes, she could have used more help at the time she arrived,” Young said.
County Fire Station No. 22 is less than a mile from the house. Firefighter Melissa Drewry arrived quickly but alone because her partner was in training.(Read More)