The Rapsheet for the week
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Ok, so I have not given you the status of my call statistics for 2 1/2 weeks now. Not much to report until yesterday. Yesterday I was given the opportunity to ride Engine 10. Actually I got some seat time. I am very grateful to the crew of E10 for allowing me to ride. We had 5 calls before I had to go back to the ARFF crew. One of the firefighters had to go home sick, so we had to straighten it all out, I ended up back on the ARFF truck. We ran the following calls: Alarm at the Clarion hotel, soon to be Holiday Inn; DOA on Wentworth with M10; EMS on Liberty; DOA on Palmer with M10 – E10 cancelled in house; Smell of smoke at Petsmart. All in all it was a very good day for me, I got some seat time, and got to get out of the house. It is amazing how much you forget, and how far you get out of practice when you are not doing the job. L2 even set the platform on the roof of Petsmart to check the roof HVAC units.
Hell, it was good just to get out and do some EMS skills.
Hopefully in the future I will report on more calls, etc. But in the meantime you will have to deal with my 1 day on the engine every 2 or 3 cycles.