Breaking news from The Roanoke Times-Crews rescue workers hurt at treatment plant

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Breaking news from The Roanoke Times-Crews rescue workers hurt at treatment plant:

Crews rescue workers hurt at treatment plant

Two construction workers were injured Friday morning in an accident at Roanoke’s Regional Water Pollution Control Plant, authorities said.

According to Scott Shirley, director of wastewater operations for the Western Virginia Water Authority, the workers, employed through a contractor called Fru-Con, were working on the construction of a new pump station. They were standing on a suspended platform in a sloped pit approximately 30 to 40 feet deep.

Shirley said the two workers were using a hose to direct wet concrete when, at about 9:20 a.m., the hose experienced a pressure surge. The force of the surge threw the two workers off balance and they fell approximately five feet to the bottom of the pit.

Both workers were injured, said Roanoke Fire-EMS Battalion Chief Ralph Tartaglia, who was not able to estimate their condition but said one of the workers was ambulatory while the other worker’s injuries were more serious.

L-R Chris Brown, Mark Brown, Jamie Brads, Brian Adkins, Baron Gibson, David Ploch, Becky Smith, Brian Fichtner, Jeff Beckner, Davel Muse, John Willdigg, Trevor Shannon, Matt Dewhirst, David Lucas, Marvin Huddleston, John Sweeney, Dennis Duncan. Kneeling in front L-R Todd Harris, Mark Kesterson, Mark Bailey. By the looks of the picture the Units on Scene were BC-1, RS-1, HTR 6, E-6, E-5, E-11, L-1, L-7, M-6, and M-1 transported 2 patients.

I will put more pictures up on the Local site in the next couple of days as they come in. If you have any, please send them in. Thanks to Kent McIlhany for the pictures.

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