Fire and EMS Related Blogs

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On the right hand side of this blog you will notice a bunch of links. First there are some website links, then Roanoke area blogs, then Fire related blogs, followed by EMS related blogs. You might ask “Why all the links?” The answer is that I have not found any other sites which list so many Fire and EMS related blog links. If you look around you will find websites with Fire and EMS related websites, but blogs are different. I enjoy reading what others write, both journalists and bloggers. Daily I check out the following websites:, Fire Engineering,, FireTimes, FireRescue1, Scon, Firefighter and EMS news. But that is just what people get paid to write either in print or online. If you want reality, if you want to know what the firefighters, EMT’s, and Paramedics are doing, thinking, and experiencing then you need to read some blogs. In the sidebar I have links to 56 Fire and EMS related blogs. Some I read everyday like Firewhirl and Firefighter Blog. Others I will check out every couple of days like Chronicles of a Paramedic and Random Acts of Reality. Some I even get emails when they are updated like Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things and 43 Firefighter. I find more and more blogs each day. Some of them only make it weeks or months before the author throws in the towel. Others build readership and develop into great journalism. The authors range from current Firefighters and EMT’s to retired ones, spouses, aspiring individuals, and transitional ones.

I link to stories on other blogs occasionally, as some sites do with my site occasionally. I feature other blogs sometimes as well. I do not always post when I add a site, this occurs weekly. So you need to keep an eye out.

If you have a link you think I should add, you have a site of your own you want added, or your site is linked here and you want it removed just let me know.

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