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Oscar Smith’s Retirement Party
L-R George Purdue, Matt Wheeling, Toby Bedwell, Phil Dillon, Travis Meador, Charlie Fotchman, ? in the back, Richard Lipes, Brian Conner, Willie Wines Jr., Me, Kevin Weeks, John Sweeney. Seated is Oscar Smith and Billy Obenchain. Somehow Gary Fisher missed the picture. I don’t think we missed anyone else.
This evening, I dragged Becky and the kids out to the Salem Avalanche game. The highlight was not the Avalanche though, it was actually the fact that it was Oscar Smith’s Retirement Party. It was a great time with all who showed up. It was good to see most of his crew from Station #2 C-Shift there.

Here Richard Lipes honors Oscar with his honorary Paramedic Certification. Oscar also received a gift: Bait.
L-R Oscar Smith, Billy Obenchain, Charlie Fotchman, Brian Conner, Richard Lipes, Travis Meador. The Crew from #2 C-Shift.
Posted by FireFleitz on Thursday, May 4, 2006 at 10:22 pm
Filed under Uncategorized · Tagged with Retirements