Update on David Bishop II
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I talked to David and Tracy tonight. David called to say hello and for me to give you guys an update. I have also been receiving updates through Billy Altman and David’s brother Tom as well. David seems to be in good spirits. He had a biopsy on his kidney yesterday. The doctor did the biopsy to make sure everything was ok. The biopsy came back as they expected; the kidney is still in great shape and is not being rejected by his body, however it still is not operating as it should be. The doctors are very optimistic that the kidney will “turn on” any day now.
I made sure that David and Tracy knew that if they needed anything we are only a phone call away. Some of the Henrico firefighters have been by to check on him and he was gracious. David is still in the ICU, therefore it isn’t too easy for us to get in to see him. Once he is out of the ICU he will be in a step-down unit and then into the apartment with Tracy in Henrico. We will be able to visit him once he is out of the ICU, which I know David will really appreciate.
Thank you for all the people who have helped out with David and Tracy and all those who have been asking about him. Terry Hauck has been taking care of the house while they are away.
Be sure to keep David and his family in your prayers.