Roanoke Fire-EMS gets Diesel Exhaust Systems

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From Lt. Baron Gibson:

After many years of asking fire administration for it, installation has begun of a diesel exhaust system for our department. Station 14 was the first and will be completed mid week. Station 6 was started on Sat. July 07 and will be operational the week of July 16 with station 11 to follow . The rest of the department will be completed in the next couple of months. A committee headed by Capt. Matt dewhirst and assisted by Lt. Rhett Fleitz and myself was formed in the fall of 2005 to assess the different systems on the market. This was a fairly extensive study with the committee traveling to several departments out of state. The committee decided that Nederman was the system for us. We applied for a Fire Act Grant and recieved it in 2006.

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