FF hurt, Roanoke Cop Blog and an Update
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The Roanoke Cop Blog is in full swing. The blog is an introspective look at what it is like to be a Roanoke Police Officer. The apparently anonymous blogger writes about life on the street working the beat in Roanoke. The writings are unlike this blog in that he writes about his day to day job and what he experiences. Check out the blog here.
Another Cop blog that I found out about a couple of weeks ago is one written from Memphis. If some of you think that this blog is bad at times you need to check out MPD Enforcer 2.0. The blog has uncovered supposed crime and cover ups within the Memphis PD.
As for me, I have been overwhelmed with a lot of things recently. That is why the blog is somewhat stagnant.
Roanoke City just hired at least one. Apparently, Mark Altman the son of Chief Altman was hired today. There isn’t any word on any other hirings.
There have been some fires recently. The Sofa Warehouse on Williamson Road and the McDonald’s on Orange are two of them. I cannot stress enough that in these times of companies out of service you need to be careful. The recent jobs have been put out quickly, you just never know when the shit will hit the fan.
Someone recently pointed out to me the amount of Opticoms out of service. For those who don’t know, the opticom system turns the lights green when we come to them running emergency. This helps alleviate the traffic backup and gets us through the light quicker. Why haven’t these been fixed. I know of a couple which have been out of service in 13′s first due for around 6 years.