Roanoke Firefighters Continue to Lose
Comments: 2
I am not sure if anyone noticed. Hell, everyone may take it as the norm anymore…but the Roanoke Fire-EMS Department just got 6 positions lighter. When the budget was approved last week, 6 firefighter/EMT positions were on the chopping block. Without even a whimper the positions were lost or “unfunded” as they are technically considered at this point.
I bet there are firefighters that don’t even know what just happened.
The truth is that if they were just going to be unfunded the proper way of doing that would have been to just have a hiring freeze until more than 6 positions were open and not hire for the 6. The way it was handled stinks of deceit. Firefighters have always maintained that if you shoot us straight we will shoot you straight! Why do all of the lies and half truths continue.
I can’t help but be reminded of the time that Bev Fitzpatrick patronized us by saying that Historic Station 1 would not be shut down and then carried out the voted to build the new station 1. I am not trying to harp on an old subject but why did he feel the need to try to sugarcoat the issue and tell the public that half truth. More on that subject…Roanoke’s citizens were told that the historic station 1 would remain open with light duty personnel. That hasn’t been the case in almost a year though. All the while, we have had firefighters on and off of light duty.
I spoke in the past of meeting with Delegate William Fralin at the General Assembly in Richmond and he asked why it wasn’t open. He enjoyed taking his children to see the station including the old trucks, artifacts, and history.
Back to why I am writing this post…
Roanoke’s Firefighters are sick and tired of the continued loss in public safety. Sick and tired to the point that it seems they don’t even want to take the time to fight more and more cuts. That includes the Police Department too. Fewer Officers on the streets leads to increased times in getting to the patient if there is a threat to us first responders. We have to wait on PD, who is substantially short handed because they can’t fill the positions they have.
It’s all in the plan. The city has been cutting our manpower, our salaries and benefits for the last 12 years (this administration). Now with the economic downturn finally acknowledged, they can be bolder in the cuts and blame the economy (a timely excuse).
So how are they going to handle tough economic times?
Surely they will curb spending and hold their most valuable assets.
No, they cut services and will continue to spend.
Look at where they spent money last year, or the previous 5 or 10 years.
Look at where they spend money this year! Watch closely.
How much do they spend on consultant firms instead of making decisions?
How about the back taxes owed by businesses? Did they ever retrieve that money?
They should be held accountable.
Police, Fire EMS, schools…are all cut … these all affect the quality of life in Roanoke.
Exactly what do we value here? Does our city council and manager represent your interests?
Get involved. Find out for yourself what’s really happening in Roanoke.
Vote out the self-serving profiteers that work for themselves instead of for the citizens of Roanoke. What has to happen before you take it personal?
These were the six positions @ the Clearbrook station, right?