
Comments: 0

This is a reminder to all the loyal readers of the RoanokeFire Blog. Over the past year and a half the blog has had thousands of comments. I really appreciate the communication, good or bad, about different events, incidents, and posts. Often, by my comments in a post, I am trying to start a conversation on a topic. All in all the comments have been professional and within the limits of acceptable. Only a handful of times have I had to delete comments which I felt did not need to be read. Most of the comments come from the firefighters here in Roanoke. However a lot of the readers come from elsewhere. Remember, this is not the rumor mill. I would like to keep this site as professional as possible. One person said the other day when he was commenting on me getting “bashed” about a post that I put myself out there. Sure I do. I will not disagree with that. I enjoy the comments, and what you all have to say. I often entertain comments with a reply, but not always.

Please remember that the outside is looking in, and that opinions will be formed by what is read. Some things are best left unsaid.

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