– The Fire Critic – An Unadulterated View of the Fire Service.
There is a new blog on the horizon. The Fire Critic is kinda like Firefighter Hourly meets FireGeezer…some angst, some knowhow, some interesting stuff, and a little bit of the rest.
Check it out. It has been a while since I have had a link dump or highlighted other blogs but this one is promising. Check it out here or link on the image above.
Here are some new ones I have come across. Most of them have been incorporated in the blogroll to the right, others are linked on – News from the West Coast – Penn. Fire News
Firefighter Reports - The newest installment website headed by Jay from The website mimics that of Consumer Reports specifically designed to inform firefighters of equipment, gear, tools, etc. that we use on a regular basis. The website debuted this week.
The USS New York was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center.
On The Job (One Firefighter’s Notebook) – A new blog by an IAFF Firefighter
MODIS Active Fire Mapping Program
Austrian Fire Blogger
Lt. Craig’s Firefighter Blog
Hamptons Fire Blog – Videos from everywhere relating to firefighting
Here are some more links for your enjoyment:
STATter 911 Blog
Alpha Firefighting Gloves – These are great gloves
Wall Shields to decorate your Firehouse - Made in the big VA
Sam Brown Helmet Shields
The WatchDesk – Online Forum Community
IAFF Online – Newly designed and more aesthetically pleasing
The Pheonix Project - American LaFrance historic apparatus registry
Fire Department Traditions - information on traditions across the States
Harrisonburg Fire Department is selling a 1977 Hahn Ladder truck
If you have a link to share let me know.