Link Dump 2 – This and That
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Virginia Sales Tax Holiday August 4-6, 2006
New age Pompier Ladder Race?
Roanoke Gamewell Fire Alarm Pull Box – Remember this one?
Does your Department Recruit Here?
Are you in touch with Reality?
South Carolina’s Fire Classified Ads
Firefighters are never really “off-duty” are they?
Take a Ride through Chernobyl
Waterwatch – USGS Flood/Draught Patrol
The Worlds Healthiest Foods
Median Firefighter Pay across the Nation
Roanoke Valley Regional Fire-EMS Training Center – New look to the website
West Virginia Firefighters
Check out the sites. Be sure to let me know if you come across something interesting. I would like to incorporate a Link Dump once a week. I will need my readers to point out sites though. Email me if you got something good, bad, or ugly and they don’t have to be related to fire necessarily.