Catch Up
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The book has made it’s rounds to most stations by now. If you have not had the chance to get a copy yet, let me know and I will get one to you. We have sold around 150 copies so far. We have plenty left. The response to the book has been great.
This is a big week (this year) for the Fire-EMS Department. The moves will be listed, letting many firefighters know where they will be working in January. Many of them want to move, many don’t. Some have to due to promotions and the new recruits who might have been temporarily filling a hole until the new roster comes out.
Word has it that there are three internal applicants for the Chief’s position with Roanoke Fire-EMS; Acting Chief Hoback, Battalion Chief Roger Manuel; and a Captain which has been unconfirmed. I heard today that Chief Birch, Roanoke County Fire-EMS Chief, has applied for the position as well. But don’t hold me to it. The next year will certainly be interesting for the Department. Many changes are on the way.