Captain David Heck is Laid to Rest
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Captain David Heck was laid to rest today. Firefighters from across the Roanoke Valley were on hand to show their respect for David, his family, and his friends.
I would like to take a minute to thank the Chiefs of Roanoke City, Roanoke County, and Salem for assisting in this event. It is testament to the brotherhood here in the valley. I would like to especially thank the 4 firefighters from the Lynchburg Fire Department who came and played the bagpipes. I was able to hold it together until the pipes played and the bells tolled.
The Honor Guard was exceptional at all of the services. Many thanks to The members of Salem’s Honor Guard and Roanoke County’s Honor Guard for helping out the City. I hope to see you guys working together more in the future.
Through this unfortunate event, Roanoke’s Firefighters have been placed on an emotional roller coaster. Coping with this tragedy has been tough for many of us. I believe that we will be talking about the good times over coffee for some time.
The Heck family is extremely proud of David’s Brother and Sister Firefighters. Jana, David’s wife, took a minute at the funeral service to speak of all the love and compassion she has witnessed the past several days. She was sure to point out how overwhelmed she was by the support of David’s Fire Department Family. It was a heartfelt thank you to all of us who have assisted the family to this point and in the future. She was especially thankful for the assistance of David Bocock and Dennis Duncan who have been great friends with David over the years.
Jana knows that if she needs anything in the future, all she has to do is call.
If you would like to read more about David and see more pictures of the Funeral Services click the picture below.