A Comment for You
Comments: 5
Hey all, I am currently on vacation but I want to share an email with you that I just received pertaining to this blog. First off though is a picture of Preston and I with a Striper that he caught this morning. It is hard for me to write about that darn ampitheater mess when I am having fun on vacation. I will be writing about that mess when I get back.
Here is the comment I recieved via email this morning. Enjoy. Oh, and if you want to leave comments just click on the title of the blog post you want and you will see if there are any comments and it will give you the ability to leave your own. I plan on a little code change in the future which will make it show on the front page. If you would like you can also email comment such as this one below and ask me to post them or not. I always love hearing from the readers good bad or indifferent.
The comment:
You were ambushed at that union meeting. I guess someone didn’t intervene because he didn’t want the pack jumping on him. The mob had a few valid concerns but dumped their aggression on you instead of trying to find a balance with you. Since that time, I’m not aware if any of them have made any effort to improve anything here. I am certain that the people that hurt this department are glad you stopped writing and accepting comments exposing them.The actions of the mob were short sighted. Sure they expressed their displeasure with you (I have disagreed with you on some things), but the only winner from their action was downtown.
The petty attacks on each other were and are wrong. The comments exposing how we are mistreated should continue. My issue and hopefully those of the readers are for the welfare of the firefighters. It is our management that has hurt us, so we have had no one to turn to for help. We have only been able to expose conditions by writing on the blog. It’s a shame many placed personal attacks here.We have suffered many losses under the Burcham/Grigsby reign. We have lost and continue to lose benefits. Our workplace has become hostile from above. Morale is ever spirally down. Apathy grows and is reflected in all aspects of the job.
There is money for an amphitheater and other projects, but no raises for us, and the coming loss of the “insurance stipend”. This speaks of the regard council has for us. It’s shameful.Please post articles like this and the comment by the ghost on the attack on firefighter pensions.
The blog serves a good purpose in the reasons you listed.Keep up the good work.
It still amazes me that yiou don’t take ownership in what you have said and done against brother union members.Do you not think that hurt the morale of this union. Do you not think you had a responsibility to build up this union instead of tear it down by your comments. Grow up and take responsibility.
I would love to have a conversation with you about this. Unfortunately, you are posting anonymously which was the problem according to most. It was the comments left on here by people like you that some blamed on me.
But I would love to know what I specifically “have said and done against brother union members”.
hey ahole #1. name 1 thing that rhett said or did against a union member.
Are you kidding me?? I’m sorry but when a leader of the Democratic Party tells our Union President that there is nothing he can do for us because of the old blog then there is a problem and your lynch mob as you like to put it was tired of it as well and decided to do something about it. Again, I am taken back that you don’t think you did anything wrong
Rhett, you did a great job as Secretary/Treasurer, but you didn’t know when to shut your mouth. I’m all for free speech but sometimes you have to use a little restraint because we found out quick just how many people read the old blog..
You apparently do not listen very well. The comments by the democratic leader were referring to the comments on the blog. I knew how many people read the blog, I still know how many people read the blog.
The comments were a double edged sword. A perfect example is someone at that meeting that night talking about how despicable some of the comments were. Yet I know for a fact he is one that made some of them! As a matter of fact he came crying to me when I took away the ability to leave anonymous comments.