A Visit to Salem Firehouse #2
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Yesterday I had the pleasure to visit the City of Salem Fire-EMS’s Station #2. I recently posted on the blog that I wanted to provide increased coverage to Salem Fire-EMS. Shortly thereafter I received a message from Fire/Medic Jeremy McAlexander saying
“Come on down brother!”. Upon my arrival I could’t have received a warmer welcome and genuine hospitality! These brothers were great – and hilarious! There was no shortage of “Firehouse Brand” humor, something I think we can all appreciate and relate to. Photos were taken but the bulk of the visit involved learning about the department. What struck me most was just how much initiative and work the personnel assigned to this house had done to improve the living quarters and adorn the house with symbols of brotherhood, pride and tradition! Solid work!
In future articles I hope to portray a more comprehensive “view” of Salem Fire-EMS as a whole. I look forward to further visits to FS2 as well as Firehouses #1 and #3. Thanks again gents!