Welcome all to the reinvented RoanokeFire.com. It is good to have the site back online. We will have to see how this site reforms itself. I don’t have any expectations, but I do have some ideas.
First of all some housekeeping issues:
- The posts from the old blog can be seen if you click on “old blog” in the navigation bar.
- The comments were not brought over to the new site.
- In the transition, we lost about 250 of the old posts, I don’t know why and I don’t know which ones.
- You CAN comment on this site once you sign up.
- I will still moderate users and comments.
- Although the site was offline for a little while, the only data lost (other than the 250 posts in transition) are dated from December of 2008 – January 27, 2009. Those posts are lost forever because they were deleted.
- If you don’t like the site… contact the complaint department.
As always, feel free to send stuff in for the site. I hope to cover some of the new blogs from the stations around Roanoke. Station 3, 6, and 9 have blogs now. I think that it is great to see the daily lives around the stations. It seems as though all the shifts are getting into the blogs at the stations.
Last but not least, welcome to the new site.
I just added a chat area to the blog on the right hand side. I will give it a trial time and if you guys like it and use it, I will keep it. Otherwise it will be gone. Just remember, anyone can use it or be reading it at any time. Who you think you are talking to might not be who you are actually talking to. You can go by any name you want. Try and keep it professional, all kinds of people get on this site.
Posted by FireFleitz on Tuesday, December 18, 2007 at 11:43 am
Filed under Uncategorized · Tagged with blog upgrade
OK, I have updated the blog. For the time being, this is the new look. I am not sure if I will be able to get the old look back due to the new interface of blogger beta. The new features include a categories (labels) tag that will be attached to the posts. You will be able to look at all the posts with the same labels. The other feature is an expanded archives list. You can now look at the blog by the year, month and post on the right hand side. There is also an “older” link at the bottom of the blog to take you to the next posts which drop off into the archives. If you enjoyed the google adsense buttons on the top of the old blog, they are now in the sidebar. I hope to move them back up, if I can ever figure it out.
As far as the links go, I have culled the bad links and blogs which haven’t been updated in a while. If there is a link missing which you want back up, let me know. If your blog was removed, let me know and I will add it back. If you find a bad link which I missed, let me know and I will add it. Otherwise enjoy the new features.
I will try my best to go back and add tags to most of the posts. However, going through 750+ posts might take some time.
Posted by FireFleitz on Saturday, December 9, 2006 at 8:46 pm
Filed under Uncategorized · Tagged with blog upgrade
Please bear with me while I add some new features to the blog. I am attempting to add the features and keep the same look. This will take a little while and the blog may look different for a short while. Let us see what happens.
Posted by FireFleitz on Saturday, December 9, 2006 at 6:31 pm
Filed under Uncategorized · Tagged with blog upgrade