Station #1
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Yet another excellent article written about the historical Fire Station #1. I hope that people enjoy reading about this Station, and that they know the plans are to change it into an EMS museum. That is right. Over the past 30 years there have been plans drawn up for several different scenarios. The history museum wants to get their hands on it to turn it into a museum, the EMS Museum currently at Tanglewood Mall wants to get a hold of it and turn it into an EMS Museum (It has never housed and ambulance in 100 years), and private developers would like to get a hold of it to turn it into a restaurant. Those are the ideas that I have read about in the articles the RFFA possesses. I will tell you what I think. I think that they should leave it alone. I think that it is perfect the way it is. For almost 100 years Firefighters have ate meals, slept, run fires, built fire engines (that is right), made hose appliances, kept horses, dispatched, rang the bell, painted the roof, fed squirrels, lifted hay into the loft, laughed, cried, and continued a tradition that needs to be kept intact. These Firefighters have answered every call, every question, every everything and only asked for a fair shake in return. The Firefighters of Roanoke City are asking for just that, a fair shake. Maybe we should sit back and look at the other options before making a hasty decision. I will be posting a picture of the new Fire Headquarters to be built at the corner of Elm and Franklin in the next week or so.