2006 Retirees Breakfast
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I would have to say that the highlight for me was the fact that Jimmy Jennings picked up Pete Smith. Jimmy retired several years ago as a fireman at Station #1, and Pete (Elmer Elijah) Smith retired in 1974 as a Captain. Pete is right at 94 years old and worked for the Roanoke Fire Department for 32 years, he has also been retired for 32 years. That is what you call getting your money’s worth. Jimmy also brought Pete Price, another retired Captain.
I have heard a lot of stories over the years of many of the “old guys”, I have now met most of them. One of the very interesting things about the old guys is that almost all of them had nicknames. The nicknames were so well known that even to this day, some of the guys do not know their peers real first names.
Some of the nicknames include Scooter, Pooper, Slim, Stick, Floor Board, and Big Daddy.
I have received nothing but thanks for the Local putting on the event. I hope that the Local is able to continue putting on this event once, maybe twice a year.
Travis Collins was hoping to get a group photo of all the retirees. Unfortunately we were unable to pull it off. Logistically it was just not possible.
So thanks to all who helped. Check out the Local site to see who helped. Once we get all the pictures we will post a photo album.